Prestigious choices for an Arredo3 contract in Florida
24 NOVEMBER 2023

Arredo3 products attracted the attention of a contractor looking to install 80 kitchens, 251 bathrooms and 40 laundry rooms in a highly luxurious setting, namely the “Serena by the Sea” contract in the United States. The residence has just been completed and includes two- and three-bedroom flats, attics and houses with gardens. The first tenants have already moved in and have decided to live there permanently amid all comforts, overlooking the Gulf of Mexico, while others have elected the residence as their holiday home.
The basic project consisted in island-based, corner and linear kitchens of the models Cloe, with Colorado finish, Kalì, with Noce bruno and Noce Imperial finish, and Asia, with Rovere Nature veneered finish – all materials certified according to US standards. The Arredo3 carcasses and panels meet these same standards since they are made of CARB2, which complies with the California Air Resource Board criteria concerning minimum formaldehyde emissions and the traceability of furnishings, from the manufacturer to the consumer, with relative recording and labelling.
Owing to the excellent standard of the homes at Serena by the Sea, we were asked to include extensive personalisation options, which we regularly provided thanks to the versatility of our units, the possibility of combining different Arredo3 models together and our dedicated in-house joinery, where only highly specialised personnel work.
As a result, we also manufactured customised cabinets made to the specific standards of the US market that could contain all types of household appliances, and which are completely different to the ones our European customers are accustomed to. Moreover, we were able to fully exploit the versatility of our cabinets to furnish the bathrooms, while for the laundry rooms we used new items which we only recently added to our catalogue.
In some apartments the buyer asked us to change the model to meet typically American personal tastes. Our choice fell on Frida, a wooden kitchen with framed doors and integrated handle, with Brandy Poro Aperto finish. Kitchens with framed doors are in fact highly sought-after in the United States and our Frida contemporary model was greeted with success.
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